Wednesday 13 October 2021

Facts about Dogs Paws - Boops and Bleps


One of the most “im-pawtant” parts of a dog is, of course, their paws! 

 Dog paws are made up of 5 distinct parts, the claws, the toes, the metacarpal pad which is situated in the middle, the carpal pad, which is at the rear and acts as a brake, and the dewclaw.

Your dog’s paws contain sweat glands which helps them cool off when they are hot. We often compare our dog's paws to our hands and feet, but turns we often confuse some body parts for others. First off, an important clarification: humans are plantigrades, meaning that we walk on the soles of our feet; whereas, dogs are digitigrades, meaning that they walk on their toes.

Another great benefit about dog paws is that they’re temperature controlled! 

One of the most common signs your dog is suffering from some kind of stress is the constant licking and chewing of their paws, this can be caused by boredom, separation anxiety, or depression (yes dogs get depressed too) Licking releases endorphins which relieve stress but excessive licking can lead to hair loss and infection.

It is important to check your Dogs paws regularly for injury and protect them from sharp objects, harsh chemicals, frost, and heat.

Looking for some more dog tips visit

We also provide some dogs products for your four-legged friend 

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