Friday 22 October 2021

Facts about Dogs Ears - Boops and Bleps

Dog ears come in a variety of shapes and sizes like Floppy, folded, small, large’ etc. but they all serve the same purpose: as funnels for sound.

Dogs' hearing ability is dependent on breed and age, but the average hearing range is usually around 67 Hz to 45,000 Hz . They can hear about 4 times better than humans, even during the quiet hours of the night, the world is a noisy place, dogs have such sensitive ears, they can always hear something.  The Bark explains that they can hear electronic frequencies that are imperceptible to humans.

Without dogs and their help throughout the centuries, we would not be who we are today. Indeed, your dog's hearing is one of the most important senses they have. Watch your dog carefully and examine what they need, so for your Dog we provide some natural dog products  

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